Friday, June 15, 2007


I want to clarify my previous post, in case my message, in being published, appeared to be mixed.

I adore, admire, believe, and revere my parents. They are the two most fine and true people I know, and the relationship we've developed since I moved back here from college is what I hope to be the real beginning of a long, long and fruitful one. They, for me, are a paired beacon of sweet, of funny, of open mindedness, and unconditional support.

And for the public record, I'm lucky to have been born to them.

And they didn't even pay my tuition, buy me a car, keep my children, give me gas money, or provide any other countless, thankless act of love and kindness that is being a parent to say so. That's how truly really special to me they are.

I love you,

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